All Right Idea

The Lies continue concerning Global Warming!

Has anyone heard of "Climategate"? Not many politicians or media personalities are talking about it. However, it is a HUGE story. It seems that our trustworthy U.N. (insert snicker here) has been falsifying their data. Why would concerned "scientists" lie about their findings? How about a few billion dollars for research! From all the scientific research grants to investments in carbon offsets, man-made global warming is a massive business. The issue gets even bigger when a highly recognizable public figure chimes in as a self proclaimed expect. Say how about an ex-VP? Al Gore maybe? Remember him, the SNL skit - "Please summarize your campaign in one word." - Al Gore - "Lock Box!" Yeah, he is the self-proclaimed expert. He stated a few years ago that the Earth has a "fever". He continually goes around making statements that he can't and won't debate with environmental experts. The reason is it is all based on misinformation. He can't explain it in a coherent way when challenged. His cries that we are killing the Earth made its way to Washington where even Republicans wanted to do something. The whole Cap and Trade bill was birthed from this paranoia. John McCain even had it as part of his campaign platform. And we wonder why he lost. This fraud was identified and challenged back in 2008 by over 31000 scientists! However, when Government wants something or sees a way to get more money from us, it is hard to change course. So the Eco-nuts talk about the science of Global Warming has reached a consensus! They call the MMGW (Man-made global warming) crowd might as well be a bunch of crazy people that think the world is flat! They don't try to argue the facts, they distract and lie their way around the truth. Yes, they lie. See the first link. Our current batch of congressmen are all in on growing government. This cap and trade bill will tax us to new heights. Every American will pay in one way or another. It will get to the point where government will set the temp in our house! Remember Mr. Obama stating that we can't always have our thermostat set on 72? If you think that this is not their end game, more control of our lives and more of our Liberty taken away, look at California. Please take a look around and research for yourself. The "science" of MMGW is shady at best and most likely fraudulent. I think that we should boot them ALL out of office and start over with a new group who are compelled to do the peoples business. Now that's the All Right Idea!