All Right Idea [Search results for Liberal]
Liberal Agenda Leads to Record Jobless Rate in California
How Dare You Be Skeptical
Kragan's Communist Leanings
How Stupid Do They Think We Are?
Obama Spends and Now Concerned about Deficit
Let's Start Over, and Kick Everyone out of DC!
The Anti-Transparent Administration!
Illinois hits a new low!
"More Taxes on Oil Companies!" - Mr. Obama
The True Racism in America
True Liberal logic
The Morning Bell Hits a Home Run!
Scandal in the White House!
The Party of No Morals!
The Violent Left No One Speaks About
PJTV - Good Stuff!
Freddie and Fannie are out Right Failures
Political Correctness Gone Wild!
Illinois - A Study in Liberal Tax and Spend Philosophy
The Patriot Post Brief
paper artist: arjowiggins
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paper fix | notebooks
daily paper fix: m book
daily paper fix: paper cloud
paper fix | prints
rupert spira
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daily paper fix: hermes
- > Hybrid Car's Carbon Footprint Just as Big as Gas Car!
- > Obama Delivers on Promise
- > Quite Crying Over Gas Prices! Just Buy a Hybrid!
- > Global Warming Causes Cold March!
- > Would a Shut Down be Bad?
- > Obama Spends and Spends and Spends...
- > Improving Economy?
- > "What am I talking about?" - Mr. Obama
- > Obama Runs Around Congress and American People
- > Barack Obama - Losing money is a smart investment