President Obama thinks America is great because we take money from "producers" and redistribute it to those that consume only. He must not be aware of the foundation of America. This Country was not created so we could have a Political elite vote to confiscate money in the form of taxes, only to control it and dole it out to keep people enslaved and dependent on the Government. He believe that our "Entitlement" programs make us great. I believe it is the thing that keeps us from becoming greater. We are a great country when we allow every citizen to pursue a life that will take them as high as they want to go. The free market should be just that, FREE! Freedom is the key to the Greatness of this country, not entitlements. Entitlements keep someone enslaved, which is the opposite of Freedom!
Obama: ‘We Would Not Be a Great Country’ Without Gov’t Entitlements
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
By Fred Lucas
Washington ( – In his major fiscal address today, which called for tax increases, military budget cuts, and entitlement reforms, President Barack Obama said government entitlements make America great.
“‘There but for the grace of God go I,’ we say to ourselves, and so we contribute to programs like Medicare and Social Security, which guarantee us health care and a measure of basic income after a lifetime of hard work; unemployment insurance, which protects us against unexpected job loss; and Medicaid, which provides care for millions of seniors in nursing homes, poor children, and those with disabilities,” Obama said. “We are a better country because of these commitments. I’ll go further – we would not be a great country without those commitments.”
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Please read the article and you will see the same old tag line the democrats have used since the beginning of time. The "Ryan Plan" is the right course for our Country and we need to learn more about it and spread the word! Now that's the All Right Idea!