From a state that has been ran by liberals for decades comes a record that they would be proud of - Record Unemployment! (Michigan leads the nation with a 14.1 percent unemployment rate. Another liberal haven)
Why would they be proud? Because every liberal knows and believes that they have the answers and need more power to implement them. This Constitution is such a hindrance. If only they could get more power to do what they want. Well, with more unemployed it means that more are looking to the government for help, which gives the government more power. You see, this is all according to plan, not only in California but in America. California has been heading down the tax and spend highway for a long time. Now they are living with the result of their Utopian Theories. America is on the same road and heading the same direction. Thanks to Mr. Obama and his "Spreading the Wealth" philosophy. I believe that every liberal, down deep, knows they have all the answers. Just like Mr. Obama believes he knows what is best. Of course that involves him taking more power and rendering our Constitution weaker at the end of the day. He wants power plain and simple. If he could he would love to be the dictator of America and do away with the Constitution.

Of course this is my Idea of what they want. However, it is the All Right Idea!