All Right Idea [Search results for spending cuts]
"NO NEW TAXES!!!" - America
Obama Playing Politics Over Good of the Country
Spending the US Down the Drain
Republican's Fighting to Cut Spending!
"I need a little help here!" - The Economy
A Fiscal Failure!
Lame Duck = Lame Bills
Government Waste Money Daily!
Debt Forecast - Cloudy and Stormy!
Obama Spends and Now Concerned about Deficit
From the Patriot Post
Could lowering taxes even more help?
Shameless Congress - They Have No Conscience
Harry Reid is Clueless and Stupid. But we already knew that
Dreams of a Wimpy Dictator
Part 2 of Barackracy
It's a New Day! Thank God!
Obama and His DeathCare
Quick Hits from the Heritage Foundation
Obama Marginalizes American Exceptionalism
design | lighting
ryuji nakamura
dwell | home in spain
wear | fashion
paper fix | stamp sheet wall planner
paper artist: are mokkelbost
paper fix | paper electronic device sleeve
alison scarpulla
paintings in the sky
painting | nigel cox
- > Deaths Climb in Afghanistan, MSM Silent
- > Climate Change Scientists "Adjust" Sea Levels!
- > Global Warming Scientists Want "Data" to Remain "Secret"!
- > EPA Funding China's EPA!
- > The US Could be Energy Self-Sufficient!
- > Patriot Post Memorial Day Tribute!
- > More Global Warming Predictions Proven Wrong!
- > Where did the Stimulas Money Go?
- > Patriot Post Strikes Again!
- > The Party of No Morals!