The Patriot Post hits a Grand Slam with this article!

Obama seems to think he is Caesar
"At his Friday news conference-cum-tantrum, Barack Obama imperiously summoned congressional leaders to his presence: 'I've told' them 'I want them here at 11 a.m.' By Saturday, his administration seemed to be cultivating chaos by suddenly postulating a new deadline: The debt-ceiling impasse must end before Asian markets opened Sunday evening Eastern time, lest the heavens fall. Those markets opened; the heavens held. ... Obama has marginalized himself. Inordinate self-regard is an occupational hazard of politics and part of the job description of the rhetorical presidency, this incessant tutor. Still, upon what meat doth this our current Caesar feed that he has grown so great that he presumes to command leaders of a coequal branch of government? He once boasted (June 3, 2008) that he could influence the oceans' rise; he must be disabused of comparable delusions about controlling Congress." --columnist George Will
"The national debt-ceiling law should be judged by what it actually does, not by how good an idea it seems to be. The one thing that the national debt-ceiling has never done is to put a ceiling on the rising national debt. Time and time again, for years on end, the national debt-ceiling has been raised whenever the national debt gets near whatever the current ceiling might be. Regardless of what it is supposed to do, what the national debt-ceiling actually does is enable any administration to get all the political benefits of runaway spending for the benefit of their favorite constituencies -- and then invite the opposition party to share the blame, by either raising the national debt ceiling, or by voting for unpopular cutbacks in spending or increases in taxes." --economist Thomas Sowell
"The Boehner [debt ceiling] proposal would cut $1.2 trillion in discretionary spending. There is no assurance that these cuts will occur, but let's assume they do. Let's even be generous and assume that they are -- in the words of S&P -- 'enacted and maintained throughout the decade.' This would cut debt held by the public from its projected $24.9 trillion in 2021 to $23.7 trillion, and when measured against the economy from 104% to 99.4%. Certainly, this is an improvement, but it is hardly declining from today's levels, nor would these cuts fundamentally restructure entitlements -- the real driver of our deficits in the future." --Heritage Foundation's Alison Acosta Fraser
"We have an entire Democrat party and a substantial portion of the Republican one engaged in economic appeasement. It's most viable slogan is some variation about solving our economic mess by making the rich 'pay their fair share.' ... Is it really about taxing people who earn in excess of a million dollars a year? Or is it closer to the $250,000 that would encompass substantially more Americans, including the small business owners who are the backbone of America's job-creating engine? Moreover, what happens when taxing the rich 'fairly' still leaves us adding to the national debt?" --columnist Arnold Ahlert
The Demo-gogues
King for a day: "The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. ... But that's not how our system works. That's not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written. Let's be honest, I need a dance partner here, and the floor is empty." --Barack ObamaPast is prologue: "In the past, raising the debt ceiling was routine. Since the 1950s, Congress has always passed it, and every president has signed it. ... Bush did it seven times." --Barack Obama (Wait -- we thought "Bush did it" was a bad thing.)
Class warfare: "I want everybody in American to do well. I want everybody to have a chance to become a millionaire. I think the free market system is the greatest wealth generator we have ever known. This is not about punishing wealth. This is about asking people who have benefited the most over the last decade to share in the sacrifice, and I think these patriotic Americans are willing to pitch in -- if they're asked -- because they know that middle class families shouldn't have to pick up the whole tab for closing the deficit." --Barack Obama
"Why do they cut and cap our hopes and dreams? To protect tax breaks for the millionaires and the billionaires. It's quite obvious. They call them -- what do they call them? The job creators. They say, 'don't tax the job creators.' ... [T]hat's just so much bull. Let's put that baby to rest." --Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Just keep spending: "The current, so-called 'debt crisis' has been completely manufactured by House Republicans attempting to advance an extremist agenda. This should be a simple vote to allow the U.S. Treasury to fund all of the programs and obligations of the entire federal government that are already in the law. Enough is enough. We should immediately pass a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling so that we can work on the real crisis in this country -- the jobs crisis." --Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Hot air: "[Many scientists] say that the heat waves, droughts, fires, and floods that are afflicting our nation are harbingers of the dangers we face if we continue to ignore the threat of climate change. Yet at the same time that the scientific evidence has grown stronger and extreme weather has become more frequent and intense, the public's understanding of the danger has been diminishing. ... I ask you to investigate the disconnect that appears to be growing between the scientific and the public understanding of climate change. I hope you will then decide to lead a national effort to ensure the public is fully and accurately informed about the science of climate change and its implications for human health and welfare." --Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) in a letter to Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu

When will the President and the spenders in Congress understand that it is time to spend what we take in and then cut more and take less. This way we will enjoy more of our Freedom and Liberty! Now, that's the All Right Idea!