The Heartland Institute is one of the Worlds leading climate research centers that are based in real science rather than using computer models that are filled with data entered to give a certain result. Here is a great article concerning the Chicago WTTW TV news and the poor reporting they did.
Chicago’s WTTW Falls for Myth that Global Warming is Killing Polar Bears
by Dan Milleron May 4, 2011

WTTW’s “Chicago Tonight” is apparently among the suckers that fall for any self-interested promoter of scaring children about the death of polar bears.
How could the great Carol Marin, who is lionized by every media outlet in Chicago and beyond criticism by any viewer or reader, turn into such a patsy for the guy you turned over WTTW’s airwaves to on Wednesday to lament the imminent disappearance of polar bears?
You have at your doorstep The Heartland Institute at 19 S. LaSalle, the leading resource of data-based science on climate change — and, yes, even on polar bear population. If you had clicked through two (only two) Google searches you would have seen that credible scientists with international reputations in climate science and polar bears have come to quite different conclusions about the threat to polar bears — different from the conclusions brought by an individual whose whole career and livelihood depends on the continued donations to his organization from people who fear for polar bears’ safety.
Instead, you choose to use the pejorative term “deniers” to describe those of us who argue that climate change doesn’t pose a threat to the planet (or polar bears) and that insofar as global temperatures have warmed, human activity has not been the cause.
You used the word “deniers,” as in “holocause deniers” and “bin Laden is dead” deniers.
Really, Carol, where is your professional responsibility? You would do well to come to Heartland’s next climate conference this summer to get the truth.

I wish thaqt the Global Warming crowd would actually go in and debate the Heartland Institute on National TV to "prove" their hypothesis! Now, That would be the All Right Idea!