All Right Idea

Quick Hits from the Heritage Foundation

Quick Hits:

  • A new survey shows private employers shed 23,000 jobs in March, but many expect tomorrow’s Labor Department report to show overall job growth thanks to increasing government employment.
  • A study by the George Mason University shows: 1) no statistical correlation between unemployment and how President Obama’s failed stimulus was spent; 2) Democratic districts received one-and-a-half times as many awards as Republican ones; and 3) an average cost of $286,000 was awarded per job created.
  • According to the latest Gallup poll, more Americans now blame President Barack Obama for the poor economy and unemployment with half now saying he deserves at least a moderate amount of blame.
  • The same federal judge who put supporters of California’s pro-marriage Prop. 8 on trial for bigotry, ruled yesterday that National Security Agency’s post-9/11 surveillance program was illegal.
  • According to the latest poll from the Democratic polling firm Democracy Corps, voters are deeply concerned about the federal budget deficit and overwhelmingly choose spending cuts over tax increases — 71% to 18% — to bring down the deficit