All Right Idea [Search results for Taxes]
Hidden Tax Hikes Coming Soon!
Could lowering taxes even more help?
"Tax the Rich! But not my Friends!" Obama
Obama Wants to Raise Taxes!
Obama Playing Politics Over Good of the Country
"More Taxes on Oil Companies!" - Mr. Obama
Happy Labor Day - We'll take your money now! The Government
Taxed Enough!!!
Illinois - A Study in Liberal Tax and Spend Philosophy
GOP Pushes Pro-Energy Bill!
"NO NEW TAXES!!!" - America
Handouts Now More Than Tax Revenue
Patriot Post Strikes Again!
Obama Pushes for Higher Gas Prices
Obama Wants More Tax Dollars From You!
Debt Forecast - Cloudy and Stormy!
More Taxes Coming!
Raising Taxes and Spending, Obama's Idea of Helping
"I need a little help here!" - The Economy
And Even More Climate Change Lies Revealed
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- > Government is NOT the Answer!
- > "NO NEW TAXES!!!" - America
- > Greenland Ice Melt a Work of Fiction!
- > Anti-Energy Freedom Obama at it Again!
- > Earth Day - What a Joke!
- > Patriot Quote
- > Obama to Use Your Money to Pay for Climate
- > More Climate Change Emails Emerge
- > More Global Warming News
- > The Real Facts about Global Warming