Tax day is just about here. I know that this year I will have payed more in taxes than ever before due to increases in local and State increases over the last few years. I pay more than my fair share and would love to get some relief so I can do more things with my family or God forbid save for the future at a greater rate! I would love to be a friend of the President right now, or maybe his Treasury Secretary! That way I wouldn't have to pay some or all of my tax bill! I guess I could hire former employees of the IRS to help me find ways to avoid paying any taxes. That's crazy you may say, but it is exactly what GE did. They pay ZERO taxes!!! And to make it worse they actually got a Tax Credit of $3.2 Billion!
GE Pays No Taxes

"Something to think about as tax day nears: General Electric is so good at doing their taxes, the government pays them. In 2010, the company reported global profits of $14.2 billion, $5.1 billion of which came from the U.S. But using a combination of offshore accounts and aggressive lobbying for tax breaks, GE managed to not only pay no taxes, but get a benefit of $3.2 billion. GE spent $200 million on lobbying in the last decade. At one point, when a generous tax break was about to expire, the head of GE's tax team met with Representative Charles Rangel, then chairman of the ways and means committee, and begged for an extension on one knee. Supposedly it was a joke, but GE got its extension, and Rangel got a $30 million gift for New York City schools. GE is an extreme example of a historical trend: The corporate share of the nation's tax receipts went from 30 percent in the 1950s to 6.6 percent in 2009."
This is where the rhetoric falls apart. The Democrats are always talking about taxing the rich, but the rich will always find ways around the tax system. What they truly want is to create a voting base that hates people with money so the Democrats in power can create bills that will take money from the wealthy and give it to the "poor" (who also don't pay taxes). Do you see where this is going? That's right, the middle class pays more and more each year as the growth of the "leech" class increases. The Rich already pay their fair share and the middle class pays more than their fair share. So why can't the poor do something to help? How about do community clean up to help cities lower their expenses? But I am a cruel white person who actually thinks people should work for their income, (no matter the color of their skin) not "Leech" it off of the "Producers"! I would be deemed a racists because I think that welfare recipients should have to work to earn their money. Pay the poor to "Produce" instead of encouraging and facilitating them to "Leech" off of their fellow citizens! Now that's the All Right Idea!!!