All Right Idea

More Taxes Coming!

It seems that this administration is following the Liberal playbook to the letter. First they blame everything on the previous administration (which most administrations do on both sides) about everything, then continue to do what the previous administration did, but take no accountability for it. Example, The War on Terror. Mr. Obama said he would leave Iraq and bring our troops home. However he has done the same thing that President Bush did. Then, Afghanistan, he has continued to follow the plan created by Bush. Now I am not objecting to the plan, I am just pointing out the similarities between the two while Obama proclaims he is here to "Change".

Second they push their progressive social agenda against the will of the public. Can you say "Health Care"?

Then they say that there is not enough money so the ONLY solution is to raise taxes. Why is that the only solution? Because the more money they confiscate the less we have and the more dependent on the government we become. It is evil and wrong. This process only leads to Socialism which leads to Communism. Which is this administrations dream situation. If Obama could become a dictator of America he would be in his Utopia! Just look at how he loves hanging out with Chavez and how he ignores Benjamin Netanyahu, an elected leader of a Democracy.

If Obama has his way he will increase our taxes, make everyone pay more for worse health care, increase the price of gasoline, make power companies charge more for less efficient "Green Energy" & grant Amnesty to over 10 Million Illegal Aliens!

As a Conservative my goal is to help educate as many people as possible to the difference between Socialism and the way our Republic allows freedom and Liberty. And that's the All Right Idea!