All Right Idea [Search results for Reconciliation]
A Bigger, More Powerful IRS Coming Soon! Oh Goody!
Give Me Socialized Health Care or Give Me Death Panels!
Democrats a Little Two-Faced! Surprised?
Obamacare revival!
The Democrats Vote to Give Child Molesters & Rapists Viagra
More Global Warming / Climate Change News
Mr. Obama on Fox
- > Horrible Obamacare has 1000+ Waivers!
- > Son of Osama to Sue USA!
- > Obama - The Great Uniter!
- > Is it Time to Celebrate?
- > Obama Can't Make Mind Up!
- > Environmentalist Celebrate while People Die!
- > Obama Creates Big Chill Towards Business!
- > Debt Forecast - Cloudy and Stormy!
- > Polar Bears say, They're NOT Going Away!
- > More info on Osama Take Down