All Right Idea [May 2010]
Memorial Day Memory
California Immigration Law Very Similar to Arizona
From the Patriot Post
Shameless Congress - They Have No Conscience
Scary Thought
Obama - A Natural Disaster
Obama Marginalizes American Exceptionalism
Climate Conference Update
Let's Start Over, and Kick Everyone out of DC!
Government Consumes more and Produces Less
Patriot Quotes
Climate Conference
The Military Participation Award!
Obama and His DeathCare
Socialism = Failure
Obamacare Hatchet Man
Rep. Mike Pence Hits a Home Run
Kragan's Communist Leanings
Idiots are in Charge
Cap and Trade Scam Alert
The Scam of "Green Energy" Efficiency
Rush sings Praises of The Heritage Foundation
The Violent Left No One Speaks About
Mr. Obama's Strings being Pulled
It's a Scary World!
Political Correctness on the March!
NBA and Political Correctness
Freddie and Fannie are out Right Failures
Global Warming Convention in Chicago
Global Warming UN Treaty Stalled!
Al Gore Buys California Mansion for $8.9 Million!
Obama Connected to the Chicago Climate Exchange
Gibbs Throws a Fit!
H1N1 "Crisis" Not Reality
Obama Just Says What he Wants, Not the Truth
Obama Cheating Story
Senetor Inhofe Decalres Man made Global Warming a Fraud!
News from the Patriot Post