I was reading The Chronicle from the Patriot Post and found these two quotes I thought were relevant. They are concerning Cap and Trade, Global warming and Climate Change from two, we are smarter than everyone, Democrats.
The BIG Lie: "You can guarantee, even though the scare tactics will come, this bill is consumer friendly, citizen friendly. It is really a refund bill where almost any revenue that comes, nothing stays in the federal government. Nothing grows the size of government. Every penny goes back to creating jobs and protecting the American consumer." --Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) on the cap-n-tax bill

Global warming is dumb enough as it is: "I think the newspapers are supposed to be printed at the sixth-grade level and I think with something as important as [global warming], we've got to figure out how to simplify the language for the public, because otherwise they're going to get a headache and bail out because they -- not because they're not concerned, but because they don't get it." --Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO)

These two quotes speak to what these political elite think of America. Let's send them a message in November that they are the ones needing mental assistance! And that's the All Right Idea!