Profiles of Valor: Medal for Restraint
This isn't our usual Profiles of Valor piece. Instead, we highlight a proposal that would award medals to soldiers for not firing at the enemy in certain situations. The award for "courageous restraint" would be given when a soldier holds fire -- at his own risk -- to save civilian lives. Sounds like receiving a last place trophy or an award for being just a spectator."The idea is consistent with our approach," explained Air Force Lt. Col. Tadd Sholtis. "Our young men and women display remarkable courage every day, including situations where they refrain from using lethal force, even at risk to themselves, in order to prevent possible harm to civilians. In some situations our forces face in Afghanistan, that restraint is an act of discipline and courage not much different than those seen in combat actions." On the other hand, Sholtis said, "Valuing restraint in a potentially dangerous situation is not the same thing as denying troops the right to employ lethal force when they determine that it is necessary."
Unfortunately, overly strict rules of engagement have already cost too many American lives and have extended both the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq beyond what might otherwise have been necessary. Furthermore, Joe Davis, a spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, warned, "The enemy already hides among noncombatants and targets them, too. The creation of such an award will only embolden their actions and put more American and noncombatant lives in jeopardy. Let's not rush to create something that no one wants to present posthumously."
This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard about. And you thought giving every 7 year old kid a trophy for just showing up was a little silly.