All Right Idea [Search results for offshore]
Rush sings Praises of The Heritage Foundation
Obama Pushes for Higher Gas Prices
The Spill doesn't Mean Don't Drill!
Obama's Drilling Scheme
Anti-Energy Freedom Obama at it Again!
Pro-Energy Bill Defeated by Democrats!
Gas Pains for Everyone!
Slow Permit Processing Leads to Frustration
Obama Authorizes More Oil Drilling! In Brazil!
Obama's Energy Failure
Obama Supports Offshore Drilling... Anywhere But Here!
Obama Lets Russia Drill Closer to the US than we can!
Obama's Answer is Grow Government
The "O" in Obama Stand for Oil Spill!
No Command Prescense
Alternate Energy Sources Kill Jobs
"Tax the Rich! But not my Friends!" Obama
Wind Energy is a Lot of Hot Air!
Obama Delivers on Promise
More From the Patriot Post