Here is a few more things from the Patriot Post email I signed up for. It is a wealth of information and I would encourage everyone to sign up for it.
The Demo-gogues
That's his story... "Last summer, I received a phone call from President Clinton. During the course of the conversation, he expressed concern over my prospects if I were to enter the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate and the value of having me stay in the House of Representatives because of my military background. He said that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had spoken with him about my being on a Presidential Board while remaining in the House of Representatives. I said no. I told President Clinton that my only consideration in getting into the Senate race or not was whether it was the right thing to do for Pennsylvania working families and not any offer." --Pennsylvania Democrat Senate candidate Joe Sestak on the "job" the administration allegedly offered him last year in exchange for dropping his challenge to Arlen SpecterClass warfare: "The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues [America currently does] -- whether it's individual, corporate or whatever [form of] taxation forms." --Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who shelters her millions from her "fair share" of taxes
Is that all? "My job right now is just to make sure that everybody in the Gulf understands this is what I wake up to in the morning and this is what I go to bed at night thinking about: the spill." --Barack Obama ("He has been depicted as a proponent of 'activist government,' but this may be a bum rap. Now he tells us he thinks that if he somehow gets people to think about him and how much he's thinking about what he thinks they think he should be thinking about, his job is done." --WSJ columnist James Taranto)
Shut up, he explained: "I'm confident that people are going to look back and say that this administration was on top of what was an unprecedented crisis. ... Those who think we were either slow in our response or lacked urgency don't know the facts. This has been our highest priority since this crisis occurred." --BO on the oil spill

"Why are we drilling in 5,000 feet of water in the first place? Many reasons, but this one goes unmentioned: Environmental chic has driven us out there. As production from the shallower Gulf of Mexico wells declines, we go deep (1,000 feet and more) and ultra deep (5,000 feet and more), in part because environmentalists have succeeded in rendering the Pacific and nearly all the Atlantic coast off-limits to oil production. (President Obama's tentative, selective opening of some Atlantic and offshore Alaska sites is now dead.) And of course, in the safest of all places, on land, we've had a 30-year ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. So we go deep, ultra deep -- to such a technological frontier that no precedent exists for the April 20 blowout in the Gulf of Mexico." --columnist Charles Krauthammer"The bottom line with every example boils down to this. Entrusting a viable banking system, or safer oil drilling, much less your healthcare, to government is taking a bigger risk at a higher cost than anyone realizes." --radio talk-show host Roger Hedgecock
"While the world is focused on bloodshed aboard a Turkish ferryboat manned by sympathizers of the terrorists of Hamas, the real crisis looms like Godzilla rising from the sea. In its latest report on Iran, the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, reports that Iran has now piled up enough fuel for two nuclear bombs. ... Whether in Washington, New York, Paris, Berlin, Jeddah, Cairo or beyond, anyone quietly depending on the Israelis to scotch Iran's ambitions for nuclear hegemony over the oil fields of the Arabian Gulf might want to think twice before ganging up further on the Israelis. The real crises are still ahead, and they are not going to be confined to bloody propaganda stunts staged by fake 'peace activists' cruising the Mediterranean." --columnist Claudia Rosett
"On Saturday, thousands of reconquistadors descended on Phoenix to carp about how awful America is -- and to publicly protest in ways that Mexico bars illegal aliens within its own borders from doing. Donald Douglas has an excellent, on-the-ground photo essay and report here. A few of his pics say it all." --columnist Michelle Malkin
"Our liberty is at stake and we know there are many willing to take our liberty if we let them. They have already seized a good portion, and keep in mind, every dollar they seize is a dollar's worth of our liberty. Every law that they pass causes a greater or lesser injury to our liberty. When is the last time a law was passed that increased your liberty?" --columnist Gary Aldrich
The Patriot Post offers the best in conservative opinion: Ann Coulter, Thomas Sowell, Jonah Goldberg and Michelle Malkin, just to name a few.
Blame Bush I: "'Deregulation' is wonderful until we discover what happens when regulations aren't issued or enforced. Everyone is a capitalist until a private company blunders. Then everyone starts talking like a socialist, presuming that the government can put things right because they see it as being just as big and powerful as its Tea Party critics claim it is. But the truth is that we have disempowered government and handed vast responsibilities over to a private sector that will never see protecting the public interest as its primary task. The sludge in the gulf is, finally, the product of our own contradictions." --Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne on who to blame for the BP oil spillBlame Bush II: "This is more Bush's second Katrina than Obama's first. ... I mean, you know, the oil spill is a great example. The Republicans look worse on that than the Democrats do." --Time magazine's Joe Klein
Blame Bush III: "[Obama] inherited an unprecedented legacy from President George W. Bush, who strapped us with the biggest tax cut for the richest people, a humongous federal debt, a recession, two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus a laissez faire attitude toward big business with no restraints. All of which led to the financial crash, Wall Street bailouts and the catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil spill that has no end in sight." --White House press corpse reporter Helen Thomas
Obama cares: "Oblivious to warnings about Osama hitting the U.S. and Katrina hitting New Orleans, W. often seemed more absorbed in workouts than work. Obama, by contrast, does his homework; he conveys a rare and impressive grasp of difficult subjects when he at last deigns to talk to the news media and reassure those whose lives are overturned by disaster." --New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd
Blame Bush IV: "[I]t's been 10 years since that oddly public passionate kiss at the Democratic convention. That was followed by Gore winning the popular vote for president but losing the electoral vote. Family friend Sally Quinn says that may have done the marriage irreparable harm." --CBS's Sharyl Attkisson, blaming Bush for the Gores' separation
"[Al Gore] obviously suffered a lot and still is suffering. He'll never get over that [2000 election loss] and neither will [Tipper]." --Washington Post columnist Sally Quinn in agreement
Newspulper Headlines:
Idea No. 1: Don't Throw Away $787 Billion on a 'Stimulus Bill': "Biden: $787 Billion Stimulus Bill Created 'New Ideas on How to Spend Government Money Wisely'"
Seeing as How She Squandered the Old One: "Pelosi Calls on Cornell Grads to 'Build a New Prosperity'" --Ithaca (NY) Journal
We Blame Global Warming: "Our Summer Will Be Cooler ... Unless It's Not" --Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Questions Nobody Is Asking: "Will Obama Stand Up for U.S. and Our Allies?"
Everything Seemingly Is Spinning Out of Control: "Obama Channels His Inner John McCain"
News You Can Use: "How to Shoot Someone From a Mile Away" --New York Post
Bottom Stories of the Day: "Pelosi Blames Bush Administration for BP Oil Spill" --Washington Examiner
(Thanks to The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto)
Village Idiots
Nationalize everything: "It's time for the federal government to put BP under temporary receivership, which gives the government authority to take over BP's operations in the Gulf of Mexico until the gusher is stopped. This is the only way the public know what's going on, be confident enough resources are being put to stopping the gusher, ensure BP's strategy is correct, know the government has enough clout to force BP to use a different one if necessary, and be sure the President is ultimately in charge." --Robert Reich, former Clinton secretary of laborAdvice: "This president needs to tell BP, 'I'm your daddy.'" --Clintonista and Democrat strategist James Carville, adding that BO's "response" to the oil spill has been "lackadaisical"
Racism 101: "I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That's -- we've got a 'motherf---ing problem here?' -- and shoot somebody in the foot." --HBO "comedian" Bill Maher
Can't we all just get along? "I think it's fair to say if somebody was going to try, on that piece of property, to build a church or a synagogue, nobody would be yelling and screaming. And the fact of the matter is that Muslims have a right to do it, too." --New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on the mosque set for construction near Ground Zero
Sycophants: "I admire [Venezuelan President] Hugo [Chavez]. I like him very much as a person. ... This is a positive portrayal of a man who Americans do not have access to. ... It's an introduction to an entire movement in South America that the Americans do not know anything about." --director Oliver Stone on his new flick "South of the Border" -- a paean to statist tyrants in Latin America