It seems to me that I remember Mr. Obama telling the American people that he was going to restore trust and change DC and how business is done. It seems that I must have been wrong. Although he is changing things in DC, it is for the worse. He is offering jobs to people for political favors left and right. Of course he thinks that this is how it is done because in the world of Chicago politics, it is! He has lived it for so long he believes the rules were made for others, not him. He is far superior to any mortal law. Here is a great article from the Patriot Post speaking about this.
Editorial Exegesis

Bill Clinton offered Sestak an internship?
"At his Thursday press conference, President Obama said that 'I can assure the public that nothing improper took place' in the curious case of Joe Sestak and the Pennsylvania Senate primary -- but he declined to say what, exactly, took place. After [Friday's] pre-Memorial Day weekend news dump, now we know. Sort of. Maybe. In a way. Last summer, Mr. Sestak said he'd been offered a high-ranking federal job in return for ending his ultimately successful bid to depose Arlen Specter, an act of interfering in an election that would constitute a felony if it was direct enough. The account released yesterday by White House counsel Robert Bauer says that Rahm Emanuel enlisted Bill Clinton 'to determine whether Congressman Sestak would be interested in service on a Presidential or other Senior Executive Branch Advisory Board.' And the post 'would have been uncompensated.' So a two-term President who is now ambassador to the world is running errands for the White House chief of staff, and the plumb job he has at his disposal is a seat on the President's Intelligence Advisory Board, or perhaps the President's Commission on White House Fellowships? And the Congressman was supposed to give up his reasonable chance at a U.S. Senate seat for such a sinecure? As a simple matter of political respect, Mr. Clinton could at least have thrown in a consulting gig with Yucaipa. ... It's possible that all we really have here is a case of the Obama White House playing Washington politics as usual, which the White House refused to admit for three months because this is what Mr. Obama promised he would not do if he became President. However, this is clearly what he hired Mr. Emanuel to do for him, and given his ethical record Mr. Clinton was the perfect political cutout. So much for the most transparent Administration in history." --The Wall Street Journal
And it is not over. There is another Democrat saying the same thing. This could be one thing that does Obama in. Now if the MSM would do their job and actually seek the truth! Now that's the All Right Idea!