All Right Idea [Search results for drilling]
Obama Doesn't Want Jobs to Come Back
Obama Pushes for Higher Gas Prices
The Spill doesn't Mean Don't Drill!
Slow Permit Processing Leads to Frustration
Pro-Energy Bill Defeated by Democrats!
Obama Authorizes More Oil Drilling! In Brazil!
Obama's Answer is Grow Government
Anti-Energy Freedom Obama at it Again!
Gas Pains for Everyone!
Obama's Drilling Scheme
Rush sings Praises of The Heritage Foundation
Billions to Columbia for Refinery Improvements!
No Command Prescense
More From the Patriot Post
The "O" in Obama Stand for Oil Spill!
Wind Energy is a Lot of Hot Air!
Obama Delivers on Promise
The Morning Bell Hits a Home Run!
Obama Supports Offshore Drilling... Anywhere But Here!
Gas Nears Record High! Thanks, Mr. Obama
- > White House Influenced Testimony
- > Government Blows it Again!
- > Man-Made Global Warming NOT a Concensus!
- > "Green" Company Goes Down!
- > Green Jobs = No Jobs!
- > Green Technology, Another Obama Failure!
- > Global Warming Models Wrong Again!
- > Dreams of a Wimpy Dictator
- > Harry Reid is Clueless and Stupid. But we already knew that
- > Black America Suffering Under Obama!