All Right Idea [Search results for GE pays no Taxes]
build | conversion of farmhouse into summer home
lighting | buoy lamps
daily paper fix : paper and twine
eat | salad
build | home in scotland
paper fix | art prints
fine little day
loving | post earrings
paper artist of the week: maarten brinkman
- > Obamacare has UNLIMITED Slush Fund for Obama
- > Obama Just Doesn't Get It!
- > Obama Predicted to Create Nightmare!
- > "More Taxes on Oil Companies!" - Mr. Obama
- > Obama Snubs Easter and Good Friday!
- > Government Waste Money Daily!
- > This is One Combo You Wouldn't Order!
- > Handouts Now More Than Tax Revenue
- > Global Warming Forgot Chicago!
- > Weak Dollar = High Gas Prices