All Right Idea [Search results for Democrat]
More Tea Party Republican's Needed in Senate
Could lowering taxes even more help?
Pulling the Plug on the Constitution
Obama's Answer is Grow Government
Rahm You! They're Both Four Letter Words!
Scandal in the White House!
From the Patriot Post
MSNBC Hits a New Low!
Lame Duck = Lame Bills
Part 2 of Barackracy
Obama says "Shut up and take it!"
"If I do it, it's OK!" Mr Obama
Indiana Gaurd to go to Iraq
Dreams of a Wimpy Dictator
Illinois hits a new low!
Pro-Energy Bill Defeated by Democrats!
Obama's War on Free Enterprise
How Dare You Be Skeptical
No Command Prescense
"More Taxes on Oil Companies!" - Mr. Obama