All Right Idea [Search results for rising gas prices]
Myth's Concerning Gas Prices
"More Taxes on Oil Companies!" - Mr. Obama
Obama Just Doesn't Get It!
This is One Combo You Wouldn't Order!
Democrats want People to Starve!
Gas Nears Record High! Thanks, Mr. Obama
Cap and Trade Negotiations taking Place Now
Gas Prices are Up, and so is my Frustration!
music | this is the kit
paper arts | paper fashion
daily paper fix: doily flowers
build | palace reconstruction
make | weekend project
blog of the week: flor de papel
short film | beat by or bar-el
playing the building by david byrne
build | gallery
daily paper fix: good on paper
- > He Gone!
- > Obama Doesn't Understand, well Anything!
- > Obamacare has UNLIMITED Slush Fund for Obama
- > Obama Just Doesn't Get It!
- > Obama Predicted to Create Nightmare!
- > "More Taxes on Oil Companies!" - Mr. Obama
- > Obama Snubs Easter and Good Friday!
- > Government Waste Money Daily!
- > This is One Combo You Wouldn't Order!
- > Handouts Now More Than Tax Revenue