All Right Idea [Search results for jobs]
Obama Wants More Unemployed
Obama Doesn't Want Jobs to Come Back
Obama Economy
Department of Labor Faking Jobs Increase!
"I need a little help here!" - The Economy
Obama Creates Big Chill Towards Business!
The Government at Work Wasting Money!
Green Jobs = No Jobs!
Anti-Energy Freedom Obama at it Again!
Alternate Energy Sources Kill Jobs
Taxed Enough!!!
California Jobs - Terminated!
Green Technology, Another Obama Failure!
The Myth of Cost Competitive "Green Energy"
Loan Granted for Columbian Oil Company
It's Not About Saving the Planet, It's About the Money!
The Patriot Post Brief
From the Patriot Post
Cap and Trade will Destroy the Economy!
Oil Spill Failure! Outside Help Finally Accepted!
daily paper fix: map cuts
visual arts | myriam holme
diy sunday: sunny tied quilt
| 5 for 5 | spotlight + giveaway
paper fix | origami
paper fix | collage
paper art of the day: sounds of silence
shop | restored
inspiration board | work spaces
caroline swift
- > Obama and Indecision - A Perfect Couple
- > Obama is TOO Important to be Bothered
- > Global Warming Idiots at Their Best!
- > Just Lower the Expectations to Get What Obama Wants
- > Obama's Dream of Being a Communist Leader!
- > Community Organizer, Obama, Is Recruiting an Army
- > Real Global Warming Facts From the NOAA
- > Republican's Fighting to Cut Spending!
- > Planned Parenthood to Lose Tax Payer Funding
- > Stimulas Met "Goals"