All Right Idea [Search results for President Barack Obama]
Obama's Drilling Scheme
A Fiscal Failure!
Obama Playing Politics Over Good of the Country
"More Taxes on Oil Companies!" - Mr. Obama
Top 10 Most Corrupt Politicians of 2009
No Command Prescense
Obama Wants More Unemployed
Don't be Mean to Me!! - Obama
Immigration a BIG Deal!
Deaths Climb in Afghanistan, MSM Silent
Obama Pushes for Higher Gas Prices
Barack Obama - Losing money is a smart investment
The Patriot Post Brief
Taxed Enough!!!
Poor Obama... No Anonymity
Anti-Energy Freedom Obama at it Again!
"I need a little help here!" - The Economy
Obama Marginalizes American Exceptionalism
Obama Authorizes More Oil Drilling! In Brazil!
Obama Creates Big Chill Towards Business!