As a Conservative it always appears like the Republicans give in and cave. It is ridiculous! The Republican's must find a way to win the perspective war in the Media. I believe they should have been running commercials stating the issues at hand. The Democrats are out there running with the old narrative that Republicans want to kill women and children. And the American People believe it! We have a Nation of idiots that could care less if the Country turns into a Socialist state. They don't know what that means or the true consequences. Take a look at this article and witness the "compromise" the Republican's have dropped their pants for.

After a long day of trading offers, the White House and House Republicans reached agreement Friday night on a budget framework that would cap 2011 appropriations near or below $1.050 trillion while cutting domestic and foreign aid by more than $40 billion from the rate of spending at the beginning of this Congress.
Behind the closed doors of special meeting of the Republican Conference, Speaker John Boehner presented the package to his party as at least an agreement in principle and said at one point: “We have a deal.” The Senate should now feel confident enough to move ahead with a stop gap spending bill to avert—or at least shorten—any shutdown beginning at midnight.
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And then Mr. Obama said that this deal brings us to "beginning to live within our means". Can you believe the nerve of this LIAR!!! Please spread this issue around. This quote is from a guy who has taken us from a deficit of $8 trillion to nearly $15 trillion in a little over TWO years! And he has the nerve to tell us that they are going to "Live within our means"????
Call your Representatives and tell them to follow Paul Ryan's lead and NEVER give in unless his budget is APPROVED! Now that's the All Right Idea!