Global Warming is so bad it actually caused March to be the coldest on record since 1994! If this Global Warming trend continues it will cause an Ice Age by the Year 2020!!
Coolest March since 1994
Apr 8, 2011; 10:58 AM ET
Remote Sensing Systems has released their satellite measured temperature data for the month of March 2011.March 2011 ended up as the coolest March globally since March of 1994. The actual global temperature anomaly for the lower troposphere last month was negative 0.026 C.
This is also the first month since June of 2008 that the global temperature anomaly was in the negative.
The RSS image below gives you a visual of where the warmer and colder than normal regions were across the globe for March 2011.

As you can see, much of the southern U.S. and Mexico was unusually warm, along with northeast Asia. Much of western Canada and Greenland experienced below normal temperatures.
La Nina was still in control across the equatorial Pacific with a large area of cooler than normal sea surface temperatures which helped keep that region in the blue.
There is no Global Warming, it is just a way for the Political to grow and retain their power. We must fight the lies with the truth! Now that's the All Right Idea!