The European Union wants to ban all cars from major cities by 2050. This is crazy. The reason is of course, to save the Earth from Global Warming. They make these decisions based on misinformation and wrong computer models. God forbid they actually stop and think about it and use common sense. And I wonder, do these decision makers in the EU drive cars now? Shouldn't they lead the way and travel by horseback or just walk? Much like Al Gore they want the "Common" citizens to comply with these rules while they are impervious to them. They are too important and have too much to do to be held down by these new regulations. Here is the article about the EU banning cars.

The whole Global Warming issue is losing steam in America. However, it is alive and well in Europe. I am no scientist but I have played one on TV. My question is "If the planet has gone through several Ice ages and Hotter times, and if there were no cars around when the earth last went from an Ice Age to a hotter time, what caused Global Warming then? And if something caused it then, couldn't it be causing it now? Maybe it is just a cycle or pattern the Earth goes through. But maybe I am just too simple to understand. I think that this is all just a designed plan to put people in fear so the Government can take more wealth and take more of our Liberty's! Don't give in without a fight. Keep getting educated and find the truth! And that's the All Right Idea!