It appears that the Obama Administration is up to their necks in the Solyndra scandal. Mr. Obama reportedly sat in on several board meetings and his administration gave the clearance for the loan six days after he was in office. This occurred after the Bush administration declined the loan application. Here are a few articles concerning the recent scandal the MSM is ignoring concerning Solyndra, a "Green" company, and Mr. Obama.
And here is an article concerning the investigation into Mr. Obama's actions.
Issa to launch probe of Obama actions on Solyndra, LightSquared
By Justin Sink - 09/20/11 09:55 AM ET
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Tuesday that his committee plans to investigate government loan programs to private corporations in light of allegations of improper dealings between the White House and failed energy company Solyndra and wireless start-up LightSquared.
"I want to see when the president and his cronies are picking winners and losers… it wasn't because there were large contributions given to them," the chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday morning on C-SPAN.
Issa said the committee was looking at whether it was improper for members of Congress or White House staff to select companies eligible for subsidized government loans when those companies could give campaign donations. Loan programs have been a popular tool to provide funding for popular industries — like tech, green energy, and American auto companies — at more favorable terms than could be secured privately. The Obama administration has been defending itself against criticism by Republicans that it exerted improper influence to the aid of both companies.
Solyndra abruptly filed for bankruptcy earlier this month, surprising both employees and the administration, which had secured $535 million in low-interest loans for the company.
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Call me crazy but it looks like Mr. Obama quickly helped pay back some campaign contributors under the disguise of a "Green" company. If this isn't corruption, I don't know what is. It is time we all decide to clean Washington and vote in all new Congressmen and a new President. Now, that's the Right idea!