The Patriot Post answers this question.
Income Redistribution File: 'Stimulus' Update
The Government Accountability Office reported Tuesday that at least 3,700 government contractors and nonprofit organizations pocketed more than $24 billion from the stimulus gravy train of 2009. Unfortunately, those same people owed $757 million in back taxes as of Sept. 30, 2009. In fact, of the 63,000 contractors and grantees, 6 percent of them were tax delinquents. Federal law doesn't prevent tax delinquents from receiving government money, but it doesn't exactly look good for an already widely panned program. Adding insult to injury, the Congressional Budget Office determined that the stimulus will actually cost $830 billion, not $787 billion as originally sold. Most of the funds were distributed in 2010. On the other hand, CBO credits the stimulus with the economic growth, slow as it may be, in recent months. We don't buy that, and one of their own admissions is a key reason why not. CBO says, "a key disadvantage of the model-based approach is the considerable uncertainty about many of the economic relationships that are important in the modeling." In other words, CBO took a shot in the dark. Government spending doesn't generate economic growth; the private sector does, often in spite of government. But that won't stop Barack Obama from spiking the football.Thanks for putting our kids in debt over their head!

Let's get the debt under control so we can actually have a future! Now, that's the All Right Idea!