The American people are starting to see the lies and propaganda concerning Global Warming / Climate Change! Here is an article from the Patriot Post -
"'Americans' perceptions of the issue of global warming appear to be cooling,' CNN reports: 'In a Gallup Poll released Monday, 51 percent of respondents said they "worry a great deal or fair amount" about global warming, down from 66 percent in 2008. Forty-one percent of respondents also said that the seriousness of global warming is "exaggerated" -- the highest amount of skepticism in the survey since it was first conducted in 1997.' Why might this be? One obvious answer is that the Climategate emails ratified the skeptical view by showing the corruption of 'climate science.' Looking at the poll results, another explanation occurs to us. Like the 2011 poll, the 2008 one was taken in early March. Since then, we've faced one actual crisis after another: a financial panic, a recession with continuing high unemployment, a vast increase in government spending, a legislative assault on the health-care system; an oil spill, Mideast instability and a concomitant increase in fuel prices. (Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident don't make the list because they came after this year's poll.) In the midst of real crises, faddish speculative ones become less compelling." --Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto

I am sure Al Gore is working feverishly on trying to figure out how to blame the earthquake and tsunami on American's driving SUV's! I am sure he will need to have someone give him a massage. Hopefully he won't try to molest them this time! Now that's the All Right Idea!!