Leave it to the radical Global Warming crowd to jump on the Japan earthquake as a rallying call to unite behind the Climate Change message! They will use a raindrop to push their propaganda! The logic (and I use that term loosely) behind what they say is ridiculous! Here are a few examples -
Tayyclayy noted her frustration by tweeting “An earthquake with an 8.9 magnitude struck Japan.. And some say climate change isn’t real?!” - All Right Ideas would like to know if there were any Earthquakes before the Global Warming "scare" has taken place? Was there Global Warming, caused by Man, around when the Earth broke apart into the continents we now have?
DanFranklin postulated “Never really believed all this global warming talk, but after the earthquake in NZ and today in Japan. Maybe we’ve ruined the world.” - All Right Ideas would like to know if we have ruined the world and caused earthquakes, how can we stop it from continuing? And how exactly does "Global Warming" make earthquakes?
Arbiterofwords tweeted “I’m worried that Japan earthquake, on top of other recent natural ‘disasters’, is a sign we’ve passed point of no return for climate change.” - All Right Ideas would like to know, did we have earthquakes during periods of Global Cooling?
Here is a response to the "Do they have a point?" question.
“Global warming alarmists will exploit any natural disaster to promote their anti-fossil fuel agenda,” Tom Borelli of the Free Enterprise Project told The Daily Caller, adding that the climate change reaction is a result of the “global warming spin machine.”
“First it’s global warming, then it’s climate change, now it’s probably tectonic instability — no doubt all caused by man,” he said.
When contacted by TheDC, Dan Weiss, Director of Climate Strategy at the Center for American Progress, also expressed skepticism at the link between global warming and the earthquake in Japan.
“I am not a scientist,” said Weiss, “but I have never heard of a link between global warming and earthquakes.”
Take a look at the entire article at -

The Global Warming crowd will use any weather related event to push their agenda. Keep the pressure on your representatives to say "No" to Cap and Trade and any other Freedom taking policies based on this propaganda! Now that's the All Right Idea!