Well, I guess I remember different goals than almost 10% unemployment that was given to make the stimulus package needed. But if you think about Obama's real goals for America then this package DID meet his goals. His Goals were to; grow Government, make more Americans dependent on the government thus securing more votes, and to Socialize more private business making this Country closer to a Socialistic European Country. Take a look at the Administrations answer concerning the outcome!
White House press secretary Jay Carney says the Recovery Act added several million jobs and lowered the unemployment rate. According to Carney, the "goals" of the stimulus package "have been met."
A reporter asked Carney why unemployment is at 9% and not 7%, the percentage projected if the stimulus worked. Carney dismissed the question. "We've said repeatedly that we don't want to re-litigate the battles of the past," Carney told the reporter.

This administration is a joke. When confronted by the facts and using their own words from the past they dismiss them and act like you are an idiot for even asking! Each one is more incompetent than the last. A year and a half until, hopefully, the American people throw this Socialist out!