All Right Idea

Global Warming Skeptics Defended

It appears that the Global Warming alarmists are always looking to discredit any organization or person that proves them wrong. Thank goodness for true Scientists that come to defend the truth.

"Just as she did the other day, Climatologist Judith Curry had the guts (and integrity) to publicly defend those in the skeptical camp of the global warming debate, such as The Heartland Institute.
And it’s one thing to defend the scientific rigor of folks on the skeptic side. It’s even braver to take the environmental left on their long-held-but-false belief that the skeptics are a well-funded machine — and is the only thing standing in the way of the public believing climate alarmism, and governments taking action to save the planet."

Click on the link above for the rest of the story! Now that's the All Right Idea!!