All Right Idea

The Real Global Warming Consensus

Here is a great article from the Heartland Institute concerning the turn about on the Climate Change / Global Warming "Consensus".

Wouldn't the followers of Scientific American have a pretty good understanding of what's really going on with the climate? If a reader poll is any indication, they're skeptical man is heating the planet.
For years we've heard that scientists have reached a "consensus" that the earth is warming due to a greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide emissions resulting from man's use of fossil fuels. No use in discussing it further, Al Gore and others have said. It's happening.
Not every reader of Scientific American magazine is a scientist. But the responses of the 7,000 readers (6,767 as of Friday morning) who've taken the magazine's online poll strongly suggest that claims of a consensus are, at best, an exaggeration.
More than three-fourths (77.7%) say natural processes are causing climate change and almost a third (31.9%) blame solar variation. Only 26.6% believe man is the cause. (The percentages exceed 100 because respondents were allowed to choose more than one cause on this question.)

For the rest of the article click the link below!

The Global Warming scheme is falling apart! Keep up the pressure and keep educating yourself with facts, not fear! Now that's the All Right Idea!