The poor countries around the world always look for ways to make America feel bad about its success and want to give away our wealth to the poor and unfortunate ones. This is the bottom line behind Global Warming / Climate Change or whatever else you want to call it. No matter what evidence is given that it is a hoax, like the made up charts or falsified data for their weather models they are always looking to make America pay. Here is another example of this. And look at the two main leaders of this latest scam!

View of the Sindipumba Glaciar in Ecuador. A top UN panel has called for in...
A top UN panel on Friday called for increased taxes on carbon emissions and international transport to raise 100 billion dollars a year to combat climate change. The group led by the prime ministers of Norway and Ethiopia also said there could be a tax on international financial transactions.
This is total nonsense. There is no Global Warming / Climate Change happening and we must fight their intentions. The Obama Administration is 100% in line with this and we must fight him every step of the way! We must say no to Cap and Trade and send a clear message that we want no part of it! Now that's the All Right Idea!