If you weren't sure what Mr. Obama and the Democrats think of the normal, fly over, God fearing citizens of the USA, it should be pretty clear now. Here are a few articles stating just what they think:
Democrats aren’t running on the administration’s accomplishments like health-care and financial-regulatory overhaul and the stimulus because “it’s just too hard to explain,” Biden said. “It sort of a branding, I mean you know they kind of want the branding more at the front end.”

All Right Ideas would love to know is it too hard to explain because he doesn't understand it? Or is it too hard to explain because he thinks we are too stupid to get it?
"The 24-hour news cycle is just so lightning fast and the attention span I think is so short that sometimes it's difficult to keep everybody focused on the long term."

Who's attention span is he talking about? The big issue is that the American people are way more focused on the long term impact his policies are making than he is. We do not want a Socialist state, therefore we are upset when he tries to socialize everything! They have said what they think about us several times. Too bad we don't believe them when they say it. Let's start taking them at their word! Now that's the All Right Idea!!