Is there more than one definition of extinct? Well, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature there is. And it also means that about 1/3 of animals thought to be "extinct" aren't! Why would they say that an animal is "extinct" when it isn't? Answer - to raise "awareness" and scare people into being willing to give up more of their money for governments to "protect" the defenseless animals. Does this sound like another "issue" out there? Have you heard of Global Warming? Or I mean Climate Change? Or I mean Global Climate Destruction? See, if the verbiage doesn't work, just change the name to sound worse! That way you will be willing to give up more of your money for the governments to "save" the planet from the evil humans! What a crock! Demand from your representatives to put their citizens concerns first and fight the takeover by extreme left wing radical environmentalists! Now that's the All Right Idea!