All Right Idea

Al Gore Goes Wild!!

Here is an interesting story about the worlds most noble champion of the theory of Global Warming. How could a man so concerned with the Earth be so crazy? Here is a great excerpt from the article posted at the Washington Examiner. Click on the link at the bottom for more details.

"The accuser said Gore maneuvered her into the bedroom. His iPod docking station was there, he told her, and he wanted her to listen to "Dear Mr. President," a lachrymose attack on George W. Bush by the singer Pink.
"As soon as he had it playing, he turned to me and immediately flipped me flat on my back and threw his whole body face down over atop of me," she said. "I was just shocked at his craziness."
"He pleaded, grabbed me, engulfed me in embrace, tongue kissed me, massaged me, groped by breasts and painfully squeezed my nipples through my clothing, pressed his pelvis against mine, rubbed my buttocks with his hands and fingers and rubbed himself against my crotch, saying, 'You know you want to do it.'"
Finally she got away. Later, she talked to friends, liberals like herself, who advised against telling police. One asked her "to just suck it up; otherwise, the world's going to be destroyed from global warming."
She got a lawyer and made an appointment to talk with authorities. She canceled and did not tell police until January 2009 and even then did not press charges."

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Also, check this article out about Al Gore in San Diego.

This guy is a major fruitcake! He should never be allowed to speak in public as an expert on anything to do with the earth or it's regular climate changes. And that's the All Right Idea!!!